Obstetric Acupuncture – For over 3,000 years, Traditional Chinese Medicine has promoted specialized treatment for women during their pregnancy and postpartum recovery. Pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal recovery are viewed by Aromatica as a window of opportunity to enhance the woman’s well-being. Value is placed on preventative care to strengthen mother and baby during this crucial period of development. Acupuncture is very effective for relieving the effects of nausea, the severity and incidence of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Acupuncture is also effective when treating back pain, rib pain, sciatica and symphysis pubis pain – common ailments during pregnancy.
Three to four weeks prior to the due date is the ideal time for treatment to prepare the pelvis and cervix, followed by one treatment per week until labour begins. Acupuncture can provide a gentle inducement to labour if the baby is overdue and is a safe and extremely effective alternative to medical induction.
If the baby is in a breech position, moxibustion is an effective treatment that turns the baby naturally, without pain and is effective 70% of the time. Ideally, treatment is commenced at 34 or 35 weeks but is still useful later in the pregnancy. This techniques is also useful for helping babies when they are not in the optimal position prior to birth, such as those in a posterior position.
Postnatally, we can help with insufficient lactation, wound healing and scar tissue, postnatal depression and urinary incontinence. In addition, Aromatica offers Pregnancy Massage sessions for the mother-to-be on specialized pregnancy cushions which allow the pregnant client to lay face-down while receiving massage, right up to full term. Aromatica offers you safe, all-natural treatment sessions throughout this period of life change.