San Francisco was the location of the World Aromatherapy Conference which dealt with the subject of Essential Oils as Anti-Viral Agents. Sara Rankin attended the conference recently on behalf of Aromatica.
There were presenters from England, Germany, Australia, Canada and the USA . “Anybody who is anybody in the field of Aromatherapy was there” reported Rankin when she got back from California. “I saw so many people I recognized – whose books and videos I have – and that was just in the audience, not even presenters”.
Over 200 people attended the conference which was loaded with 20 or more speakers. Friday kicked off with seminars in the afternoon followed by a swishy, elegant reception in the evening. A lively band kept everybody on the dance floor, including the irrepressible representative from Aromatica!
Elizabeth Jones (USA) presented her findings linking Essential Oils with the prevention of viral infections, boosting the Immune System and breaking the depression cycle and mind-body conditions with Essential Oils. Carol Ingraham (UK) reported on her fascinating research with animals. Apparently many animals have an inate ability to self-medicate, choosing the correct plant remedy for their condition, in the wild. They seem to have an ability to understand that they have an illness and then search for a remedy that will help them.
Carol experimented with animals and Essential Oils. “You must allow them to self-select an Essential Oil for their own therapeutic treatment. They must be allowed to walk away and never forced to inhale an oil” says Ingraham. A small inhalation of a self-selected oil is then often followed by a short nap and relief from the condition.
Rankin loved the new Australian Wood Oils that were showcased for the first time at the San Francisco conference. “Brilliant blue Cypress Wood Oils were my favourite” said Sara “they’re spectacular looking and extremely anti-viral”.