Providing Acupuncture Therapy at Two Ontario Locations
Long recognized for its pain relief, acupuncture treatment is highly effective in treating a variety of ailments. Using a system of meridians, corridors of energy that line your body – the ancient practice has also proven superior for addiction treatment such as smoking cessation and weight loss.
A consultation is required prior to the actual therapy. This is when your health record will be discussed with you and may take up to an hour. Expect tongue, eye and skin analysis as these provide valuable clues to what is happening inside your body. Chinese medicine places emphasis on strong mind-body connections, and any excesses of the “5 emotions” will also be taken into consideration when designing a treatment protocol for your specific needs.
For the person experiencing acupuncture for the first time, you will be shown the different needles which are used. Aromatica only uses Japanese Seirin needles, the finest, sharpest needles in the world. Finer than a hair, extremely flexible, they are disposed of after use. An average of 6 to 12 needles are used in a session, which usually lasts for 30 minutes or slightly longer. Most effective for pain relief.
Aromatica now offers acupuncture treatments at two Ontario locations, in Cape Chin near Lions Head and in Central Ontario in Hockley Valley in Mono, near Orangeville.